We were project MANIACS this weekend! I am pretty much astounded by everything we accomplished…All while making time to go out to dinner and a movie with friends on Friday, do three loads of laundry, wash the truck, visit with John’s parents, do a little Spring clothes shopping and watch my parent’s dogs while they went out-of-town (plus a quick dip in their hot tub to ease our tired muscles)!
Here’s the quick list of our super-weekend:
- Rewired the Eden lamp over the kitchen table so that we don’t have the ugly cord screwed into the ceiling and wall to get to the nearest outlet (!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
- Found and purchased a GORGEOUS piece of mid-century mod furniture to put the TV on in the living room (!!!!!!!!!! x2)
- Spray painted/revamped the lamp I bought from Goodwill on Thursday
- Reorganized and made “donate” piles from three closets (including the laundry room)
- Finished the chalkboard wall calendar in the kitchen
- Packed up eight mismatched frames from my apartment (and a couple of metal wall-mounted owls), took them to John’s, spray painted everything a matching glossy white and mounted them above the entry table in the hall
- Rearranged some wall art to fill spaces in the living room after doing a little furniture switcheroo once the new TV stand got into place
- Picked up some pallets from a junk heap for eventually making shelves
I think that’s it…May add to it if I think of more. It was THAT busy!
I must have taken over 200 photos this weekend (although that will get pared down to about a quarter of that amount once I edit them). And of COURSE I would forget to put the pictures on my jump drive…But I don’t think I can blame myself too much – Where the heck was I supposed to fit that task into our weekend??
So unfortunately, you’ll have to wait until tomorrow and the rest of the week to see all the progress we made.
Until then, I’m going to do a “big-picture” post on where I get my inspiration and all the big dreams and ideas I have floating around in my head from dusk to dawn (seriously…It’s what I think about during TV commercials, when I’m brushing my teeth, as I drift off to sleep at night, etc.).
I am constantly analyzing color and design elements because of my training in art school (although this is NO WAY makes me an expert – I’m a “learn as I go” gal). But beyond that, I’m an avid HGTV/DIY Network watcher. Here’s a quick run-down of my favorite shows in case you’re in need of a recommendation…
“Design Inc.” and “Sarah’s House” (Saturdays, 4:30pm)
Sarah Richardson is a design god. There’s very rarely a room she puts together that I don’t like. Her ability to mix and match pattern, color, texture and eras just blows me away – A talent I can only hope to cultivate.
“Cash and Cari” (Saturdays, 8:30pm)
I love HGTV – That’s a fact. But even though the network talks about airing shows that are all about decorating on a dime, the lowest budget per show is usually at least $1,000. I don’t have that much money to drop on a room or piece of furniture! So when “Cash and Cari” was added to their show lineup, I had a little “FINALLY” moment…When it comes to turning trash to treasure, Cari Cucksey is a great inspiration and teacher. Plus, watching the show has helped me realize the VALUE of the thrift pieces I pick up. Definitely has me imagining life as a full-time furniture refurbisher…
“Secrets from a Stylist” (Saturdays, 9pm)
Oh oh ohhhhh how I love this show!!! I’ve only actually seen two episodes (and I didn’t have a clue that the designer, Emily Henderson, was an HGTV “Design Star” winner until I just googled all of these images) but I’m in love with her design. No wonder she won “Design Star”!
I’m still getting used to the idea that she essentially designs a room twice (she layers each person’s tastes in two different “looks”), but I tend to love both – Two great makeovers in one show is A-okay by me!
Here’s a great example – Look #1:
And now look #2:
Both are gorgeous! But if I had to choose, I think I’d go with the second one just because I’m so into warmth and Flea Market Chic these days…(LOVE those yellow velour/velvet chairs!)
Plus, Henderson wears the most adorable, 1960’s/1970’s-inspired outfits – Getting ideas all over the place!
All three of these shows have given me the guts to look in unlikely places for inspiration and go outside of my comfort zone to find a style niche. These days I’m learning to be more patient when it comes to designing and laying out spaces because it’s rarely going to be perfect the first go-round. My goal now is to keep playing with rooms in my house until I can walk in the door and smile every single time I look around…
(Photo Credits: Sarah Richardson – Design Inc. and Sarah’s House; Cari Cucksey – Cash and Cari; Emily Henderson – Secrets from a Stylist)