All in the details…

Notice anything different? Well if you’re viewing this from your browser, then you might have caught on to a little bit of an upgrade to the surroundings here at DGD. I’ve been having anxiety attacks about the process of switching from to for the past few months, and I finally just WENT for it. And, as predicted, the anxiety was waranted. It was a complete mess getting to this point, and just 24 hours after deciding that I wanted to go for it and staying up waaaaaay past bedtime to hammer out the details, here she is in (HOPEFULLY!) all her beautiful .org goodness. I will be sharing a LOT more about the process next week, so stay tuned.

Hudson Bay Blankets


But let’s move forward shall we? Oh, one more thing – If you happen to notice any major issues with the site, please just let me know via email and I’ll work on targeting that asap. I was having trouble with the server this morning, but am hopeful that all is resolved now. There are definitely some other little things too that didn’t get perfected in my rush to keep up with the ultimately rushed transfer (for example, I’m working on getting those post photos uploaded so that you don’t keep seeing these “Sorry!” messages), so I ask for your forgiveness!!

And now let’s REALLY move forward shall we?

Now that the official start to summer is only a little over a week away, I’ve got camping (or should I say “glamping“) on the mind. I love the idea of a fun weekend getaway to the lake – a cozy cabin, the dog, a fishing pole…It’s time to embrace the outdoors and, now that the cicadas seem to be fading a bit, I’m finally willing to venture forth into the wild. This quaint cabin is the perfect example of my kind of rustic.

Let’s talk details…

1…The striped Hudson’s Bay point blankets are the key factor for me. Without that hit of laid back sophistication in the print, the room might not be quite as magazine-spread-worthy as it is. Overall, it’s a super endearing space that I would love to embrace with book in hand.

2…I think paneling is coming back. What do you think? The honeyed pine in this space is obviously well suited to its purpose on what I can only assume is a wooded camp ground, but even beyond that, it warms the tiny room up like nothing else could.

3…Notice how the stylist hung the art way, waaaay below eye level? Kind of an interesting thought given that it’s only a foot or two off the ground, but I like it! I’m glad to know that we shouldn’t feel limited by our vertical wall space when trying to incorporate art.

What are your favorite details?

For past “All in the details” features, click here.

P.S. I’m super excited to share a really fun project that I worked on in collaboration with Glitter Guide and Old Navy. Click here for my tips for making the most of your active wear as we get outside more and more to exercise this season. Even Rocky made an appearance! More tomorrow, plus a few extra photos right here on DGD. Until then, I hope you enjoy the feature on GG!

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