How I Plan To Shake Things Up In 2017

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Happy New Year! Can you believe that it’s the year 2017?! It still sounds so futuristic to me to hear the number “20” in the beginning of the year, although I’m proud to say that I just recently used the abbreviated term ’32 in reference to 2032. Clearly, I’m much too old-fashioned to be a millennial despite having been born in the 80s—the NINETEEN-eighties, that is. Anyway, I’m rambling. Basically, I’m really excited to see what this brand new year has in store for all of us.

I’m having trouble remembering if I ever detailed my decision with you last January, but my plans for 2016 were actually mainly to simplify. I had been a work-from-home, full-time freelancer for only about a year at that point, and had struggled through all sorts of full- and part-time office jobs before that. I had experienced near-constant juggling and struggling from 2008-2015 and it was time to cut myself some slack. So, 2016 was my year to take it easy and figure out a routine. I said no to countless big projects, didn’t really do any major photoshoots or collaborations, and refocused things on my personal life (namely making new memories with my husband in our new home and our new city).

And now here I am embracing the first day of a brand new year, and I can safely say that 2016 was a great one. Sure, there were pitfalls (the recent election results being one of the biggest sore points), but overall, I’m happy that I decided to keep things low key, both personally and professionally.

You’re now probably wondering if that means I’m going to go mega big in 2017, and frankly, I’m wondering the same thing. My Year Of Less (as I’m dubbing 2016) was actually my most financially fruitful one, so I’m almost wondering if keeping a lower profile is better for my business in addition to my stress level. But, even with those numbers staring me in the face, I can’t help but feel the urge to bust out of my shell even just a little bit in 2017.

Now that I’m feeling more comfortable in our new town—with a few new local creative friends to call on, too—I’m thinking that it’s time to reach out and collaborate more, and that it’s time to retest the boundaries of my creativity.

What does that mean for the blog? Well, a lot of things actually. This year marks my sixth anniversary as a working blogger, and I’m definitely feeling the need to shake things up—both in my style of posting and the content I share. Even despite the fact that I JUST rebranded to a bright and colorful new aesthetic, I’m feeling the inexplicable need to neutralize and embrace a more minimalist lifestyle.

A few things have happened behind the scenes because of this sudden need to go back to basics—I’ve decided to redesign our home to suit a more parred back color palette and I’ve even changed my wardrobe over to a capsule-inspired collection of mostly creams, grays, blacks, and whites. I don’t know if it’s just because of my 30th birthday last year or what, but I’m just ready to feel more settled and to start intentionally moving towards a more classic, neutral look with my decor and projects.

But, again…what does this mean for Dream Green DIY? Essentially, it means that I’ll be sharing a lot more practical design and lifestyle advice, and fewer DIYs just for the sake of having a craft tutorial to share. I’m hopeful that you guys will stick around to witness this progression, because I’m feeling really energized by the idea of posting more intentional, stylish, and practical DIY tutorials that will save you money, and I’m even more excited about offering design advice that you’ll be able to enjoy for the long haul.

DIY has always been at the heart of this blog, and that’s obviously here to stay, but I’d love to go beyond crafting and offer practical step-by-step tutorials that will help you design a better life, too (think: organizing strategies, date night ideas, business related how-to’s, tips for tapping into your love for mid-century design and antiques). If that sounds familiar, you’re right! I’ve already started implementing this shift in small doses as far back as summer of 2016, but today felt like the right time to candidly let you in on my plans.

I have a few lingering bright and colorful projects to share that were created at the tail of last year, but I will likely start sharing my new, more subdued style later this winter. Color is still a major part of my life and DIY style, but I’m also feeling the need to set myself apart from the ultra colorful trend that seems to be coursing through the DIY crafting blog genre. I love, love, love soaking up my fellow bloggers’ perspectives on this color-packed concept, but I’m beginning to think that it’s time to diverge a bit from the pack, if that makes sense.

Anyway, that’s what’s going on in my head this morning of January 1, 2017, and I hope you don’t mind me sharing my stream of consciousness in honor of the fresh beginning this new year offers. I definitely don’t say it often enough, but I’m constantly grateful to have all of you along for the ride. This career is not one that I expected or prepared for, but it’s my dream job through and through.

The truth is that I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for you. I’m sure, as blog readers, you hear that a lot, but I want to reiterate the truth behind the cliche. Every project, every paint color, every blog title is built with you in mind, so thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking around and popping in day in and day out to read this blog, and I’m so beyond excited to dive down deep into designing a home and lifestyle that will stand the test of time, starting riiiiiight…now!

What big plans do YOU have for the new year? Please share your New Year’s resolutions below, and if you happen to have thoughts on something that you would like to see more (or less!) of here on Dream Green DIY, you’re invited to comment or email me anytime. Cheers!
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